Rebalancing the climate

Achieving 1.5° means removing billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
We’re here to help make that possible.

Net zero requires CO2 removal at a gigatonne scale

Achieving Paris agreement temperature goals requires removing billions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere. This is because we will spend more than our remaining carbon budget – so we have to pay some back.

Carbon removal methods hold the key

Carbon removal methods are very diverse. Many harness and accelerate natural cycles to remove and store atmospheric CO2 – but none are close to delivering the carbon removal scale and quality needed yet. Most methods are still at early stages and are decades from scaling. But the urgency of the climate crisis means we don’t have decades – we need to accelerate development now.

Technology by itself only gets us part of the way

A good idea and its supporting technology only get us part of the way. Wide scale commercial deployment and adoption in the real-world needs sustainable business models, supporting markets and regulatory frameworks, supply chains and infrastructure, broad community and environmental support, and a skilled workforce to implement and run it. With this multidisciplinary approach we can quickly drive a technology down the cost curve to achieve significant positive impact in the billions of tonnes of carbon removal.

It’s our mission to get solutions to scale in time

It took 70 years for solar PV to achieve the scale and competitive prices it has today. The Climate Recovery Institute is focused on accelerating the research, demonstration, development, and deployment of carbon removal solutions on the billions of tonnes scale. The foresight led innovation of our integrated research programs and our stage-gate assessments, quickly progress the readiness and deployment of negative emissions technologies.


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Support our work to ensure the future readiness of carbon removal to keep warming under 2.0 degrees.